Import Tabulation Totals from Dominion GEMS

Click for a flowchart of the GEMS tabulation-import process.

Before the voting history for an election can be updated, State law requires counties to reconcile the number of voters that were checked-in with the totals from their ballot tabulation system. By doing a reconciliation, you ensure that all voters who voted will get credit for doing so, and that no register pages were missed during the post-election swiping process. Any differences between the two sets of totals should be rectified. If this is not possible, the reasons for the differences should be clearly understood and documented as part of the election record. Once this reconciliation is complete, the voting history update can be processed using Voter Focus.

Voter Focus provides an automated comparison of tabulation totals from Dominion GEMS equipment with the totals accumulated by the various voter check-in mechanisms in Voter Focus:

  • Mail ballot returns
  • Check-ins of early voters (through the Counter program or via EViD stations)
  • Swiped precinct registers
  • The non-register records of those who voted at the polls on election day
  • Those who voted by provisional ballot

To run this automated comparison, you will need a tabulation results export file from the GEMS system that can be read by Voter Focus.

The results of this comparison can be seen in the Voting History vs Tabulation Results report.